Friday, February 27, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

free Write: What if...

What if I was a assassin. I just wonder what my life would be like. Would I have a lot of friends or not. Would I work for somebody or would I be a free agent. I personally would like to be a free agent because then in a way I 'm a business man. Any who I don't think I would to have friends because what if I have to kill them. I think I would live my life on the edge paying attention to everything and everyone I see. When i first start off in the business I would want to get te proper training.





Conventions: 2

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

Free Write: Family

Family, everyone has one, even if you don't know them. Family can be your uncle aunt brother or sister. Family is any one who is related to you well at least biological family. Then you have family that isn't related or biological. Like when your adopted your family can be the people you are staying with. Also like your uncle Hardy who wasn't born or married into the family but who was your fathers best friend and who is closer to him than his own brother. Those are situations where family isn't related. In my immediate family I myself have 1 brother and sister. I am the youngest child and that causes a lot of tension. What I mean is like since I am the youngest I'm on my own level. Sort of like the Ahmad off of soul food. I am at the age where I'm around the adults a lot because I'm basically the youngest and I cant hang out with babies.

So instead I it and am seen not herd. That I stay out of trouble and also don't get kicked out the room. So I just sit around and listen. Once though I almost got kicked out I laughed a little to loud and made a comment. So my dad brought his attention to me and gave me one more attention.
